Inflicted Zzzleeplessness

     Before leaving for Spring Break, our class watched a reality TV show called Shattered . In this show, there are ten contestants who are challenged to go without sleep for seven days. The contestants for these days live in a facility that is constantly recording every action that they make to see how lack of sleep effects them. The goal of the contestants is to stay awake the longest and be the last one to remain awake and in the game to win a maximum of 100,00 pounds. Contestants are eliminated daily through challenges that test their brain's limits until there is only one left.

    Even if I was paid to go through this show I don't think I would do it. Just the thought of going two days without sleep makes me miserable, I couldn't imagine going seven days. This show does in fact allow us to see what humans do when not allowing sleep to create rest for their bodies and minds. It is interesting to watch and see how we as humans can't do much of anything if we don't have sleep. Sleep is indeed important and necessary. 

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